UNIQUE BLEND. Prince of Peace Premium Ti Kuan Yin Tea is harvested in the Fujian province of China. It is a slightly fermented Oolong tea that combines the unique qualities of black and green teas
HARVESTED BY HAND. This Ti Kuan Yin Tea is harvested by hand, providing a delicate and complex flavor and bright golden color that you can drink hot or cold
HEALTH BENEFITS. Oolong tea has been harvested for thousands of years to support inflammation in people of all ages
LESS CAFFEINE THAN GREEN TEA. Ti Kuan Yin Tea is of the Oolong tea variety, which has less caffeine than green tea, but still provides an energy boost
HOW TO BREW. Place 1 tea bag in a 6 fl. oz. cup. Add boiling water to the cup and let it steep for 3–5 minutes before drinking